Avatar (Demo)

Avatar (Demo)

This is just a demo to show that we can import packages with TSX and CSS Modules (opens in a new tab) directly 🎉

Fill MurrayPlacebearABDCFM
import { Avatar } from '@republik/ui-docs-demo'
export default function Demo() {
  return (
    <div style={{ display: 'flex', gap: 20, margin: 50 }}>
        alt='Fill Murray'
      <Avatar src='' alt='Placebear' />
      <Avatar fallback='AB' />
      <Avatar fallback='DC' color='lightblue' />
      <Avatar fallback='FM' color='hotpink' />

☝️ To render a component directly from a file and also show the code of that file directly below, use the ComponentDemo component, like so:

<ComponentDemo file='demos/avatar.tsx' />

Avatar Props

src?stringImage source
alt?string'Alternative teggscht'Alternative text for the photo
fallback?stringFallback string to be shown when the image fails to load
color?stringThe color of the Avatar
flavor?'strawberry' | 'banana' | 'chocolate'This is a named union
kind?'a' | 'b' | 'c'This is an inline union